My Birds

This is just a small selection of the thousands of bird photos I've taken since moving to Devon, I have rigged up a small bird table on the hand-rail of my lodge, this is about 4 ft from my study window.
I have set up my camera on a table-top tripod, so the birds are only about 5 ft from my camera lens. I fire the shutter with a remote control, and have put a mirror film on the window so I can see them but they can't see me, the slightest movement scares them off, this way they don't know I'm here.
During the colder seasons the window is closed so the photos are sometimes not quite as sharp as they are during the warmer months of the year when I have the window open the little devils are very twichy so I take lots of photos and pick the best.
I have all sorts of birds arrive, sometimes in ones but often in pairs, one problem I have is the camera is generally set up for small birds so I'm zoomed in, when the larger birds arrive I quickly have to make adjustments to the zoom, problem is they don't generally hang around but I have plenty of seed for them and they often come back, that's when I get my best photos of the larger birds, the Crows, Magpies and Jays will often make several visits, or at least until all the seed has gone or the squirell arrives.